Ah, love such a sincere idea. So pure and innocent<3 size="4">nuts. Like for instance, today, I was messing with Hannah and then she sends Matt after me. Well, I threaten to tell Matt a little secret that she had birbed me not to tell[[I'm not saying I'm a saint, C'mon am I suspposed to pass up sour mango Altoids so Hannah can have the crap beaten out of her? Nope, I didn't think so, anyways back to the story.]] Hannah shuts up and orders Matt off me. Matt doesn't drop the story. He convinces*cough*threatens* Hannah to tell the truth((the truth being she was on Matt's YouTube account, commenting about how cute Mitchel Musso was...)) Matt flips out and goes on his typical rampage. I can totally see why he was mad. Then Hannah goes all Boo Hoo I'm the innocent younger sister on us and starts crying on the phone with my daddy[[poor daddy he can't even escape us while we're in Ohio and he's in NJ...]]My mom takes Hannah's side and Matt even gets madder. I'm trying to be Switzerland in this conflict but my mom is tending to take Hannah's side more since my dad left[[I think it has something to do how hard it is for Hannah to accept that dad is gone, I've been there, done that, and don't plan on going back...]] But all the same I can feel the stress my mom has to deal with. Matt and Hannah fight like cats and dogs I swear. I occasionlly have my moody moments but I'm a teenager what more do you want from me? Ah well, that's family for ya. Still gotta love them. Till next time...
With love,