Tomorrow I will officially start High School. Yikes! Scary thought, right? We had a freshman orientation today at school...[No point in it really.] And I got my schedule. The following will be my classes...
1--Home base
2--Enriched Science 9A
3--Creative Writing
4--Enriched Geometry(Yikes!)
5--Enriched World History
6--French 1A
7--Enriched English 9A
8--Intro to Drama: Acting
Notice anything missing? Lunch period maybe? It was the same for Matt's schedule[FYI:Matt is my brother] Hmm, maybe we aren't allowed to eat anymore...I will have to figure that out tomorrow...
Onto other subjects, Breaking Dawn. I really don't know what to say about this book. I do know one thing, I was majorly let down in this book. It just wasn't up to scratch to most of Stephenie Meyer's writing. The more I got into the book the more I thought I was reading some wannabe fanfiction story. I truly think Stephenie tried waaay too hard to please too many people at once. It was almost as if she just put drama there to put it there. The plot line was very boring I must say. I really wish Stephenie would have taken her time writing this book and would have written it in the true styles of Twilight. I dunno, like I said she tried to hard. This book is enjoyable but if it weren't for the original books I wouldn't have read it.
Well I must be off to bed. Till next time...
With love,
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Ramblings and other things that are not important...
I am bound a dertimined to find a way to add music to my blog. I find the best way to get rid of a song that has been buzzing around in my head is to post it elsewhere for it to get stuck into other peoples heads. It makes me feel better to know I'm not alone...So that would bring me back to the reason I'm posting. Since I can't seem to find a way to add just music at the moment I'll settle for a plain old playlist. Now you need to remember I am an odd person. Before you go "Wtf? What is with her playlist?" remember I have a very diverse taste in music=] That is what makes me fun.
Meghann's Playlist
Fluorescent Adolescent--Artic Monkeys
Now Your Gone, All I Ever Wanted--Bass Hunter
Then I Woke Up--Clique Girlz
How I could Just Kill a Man--Charoltte Sometimes
Runaway--Avril Lavinge
Can You Hear Me?--Enrique Ingelesias
Summertime--New Kids on the Block
Take Me on the Floor--The Veronicas
Smoking Guns--Precious
(and God forbid I like country music)The Outside--Taylor Swift
There is no rhyme or reason to this playlist. They are just the songs that have been stuck in my head for awhile. Hope you enjoyed the slight insight to my mind(I know it confuses me too) Till next time...
With love,
P.S. I decided to add a video from my playlist just to amuse you non-existent readers...
\/\/\/\/ Follow the arrows
Meghann's Playlist
Fluorescent Adolescent--Artic Monkeys
Now Your Gone, All I Ever Wanted--Bass Hunter
Then I Woke Up--Clique Girlz
How I could Just Kill a Man--Charoltte Sometimes
Runaway--Avril Lavinge
Can You Hear Me?--Enrique Ingelesias
Summertime--New Kids on the Block
Take Me on the Floor--The Veronicas
Smoking Guns--Precious
(and God forbid I like country music)The Outside--Taylor Swift
There is no rhyme or reason to this playlist. They are just the songs that have been stuck in my head for awhile. Hope you enjoyed the slight insight to my mind(I know it confuses me too) Till next time...
With love,
P.S. I decided to add a video from my playlist just to amuse you non-existent readers...
\/\/\/\/ Follow the arrows
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The "M" word and other things I rather forget...
We are 90% sure we will be moving...*Shudders* Why do we have to move again you may ask. The answer is as simple as I can put it. My dad, who is in Iraq won't be able to land a job in Ohio like I was hoping. That means that we have to move back to the dreaded New Jersey. Not that NJ is bad in all, it's just that I don't want to go back to a state that makes me so sick. Oh, on the topic of sickness. I DON'T HAVE ASTHMA!GAH. I missed camp for no reason. My breathing was just bad because of my allergies. I still have to use my rescue inhaler but Com'on. Why me?
Another thing. Does Ohio have no taste in magazines? Not that I don't love Ohio, I do dearly but this state is filled with hicks and white trash. I went to like 5 different stores just to find ONE copy of Entertainment Weekly and I couldn't find ANY at all. Zip nadda nilch. Grrr. The one magazine I set my mind to get is not even anywhere to be found! The world hates
I have about another month until school starts. Scary I know. 9th grade....I'll tell you one thing I'm looking forward to. The hot high school guys. Phew. Enough rambling on my part. Till next time...
With love,
Another thing. Does Ohio have no taste in magazines? Not that I don't love Ohio, I do dearly but this state is filled with hicks and white trash. I went to like 5 different stores just to find ONE copy of Entertainment Weekly and I couldn't find ANY at all. Zip nadda nilch. Grrr. The one magazine I set my mind to get is not even anywhere to be found! The world hates
I have about another month until school starts. Scary I know. 9th grade....I'll tell you one thing I'm looking forward to. The hot high school guys. Phew. Enough rambling on my part. Till next time...
With love,
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Holy cow and other things that sound funny...
OMG, you will never believe the picture I have stumbled upon the will make sure I beg my mother to buy me a copy of Entertainment Weekly this Friday. I have already printed it off but I decided I wanted the real deal hanging on my wall.(FYI my wall is reserved for hot guys, cool celebrities, and Twilight) Without further ado(is that how you say it?) The picture.

The picture belongs to EW, they have all the rights to it, yada yada yada.
Now time to scroll through the pros and cons of this picture.
Robert/Edward is shirtless. Who doesn't like a shirtless Robert?
It looks to me as if Rob has chest hair. Gasp! For one Edward's chest is supposed to be hairless and two I never imagined Rob with chest hair. Those two things do not mix for me...
I love how protective Rob looks over Kirsten. They have really captured the essence of the whole Bella/Edward relationship.
None for this
Kirsten looks absolutely gorgeous.
None really, except the fact she is holding the apple when a vampire is holding the apple on the cover of the book.
They have the apple! How cool is that? And believe me the apple is kind of important for the book if you know the meaning behind it.
So that is it for my rambling today. Till next time...
With love,

The picture belongs to EW, they have all the rights to it, yada yada yada.
Now time to scroll through the pros and cons of this picture.
Robert/Edward is shirtless. Who doesn't like a shirtless Robert?
It looks to me as if Rob has chest hair. Gasp! For one Edward's chest is supposed to be hairless and two I never imagined Rob with chest hair. Those two things do not mix for me...
I love how protective Rob looks over Kirsten. They have really captured the essence of the whole Bella/Edward relationship.
None for this
Kirsten looks absolutely gorgeous.
None really, except the fact she is holding the apple when a vampire is holding the apple on the cover of the book.
They have the apple! How cool is that? And believe me the apple is kind of important for the book if you know the meaning behind it.
So that is it for my rambling today. Till next time...
With love,
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Achievment Testing scores and other things that have been long awaited...
Guess what?! I got my Achievment test scores today. Before I go into detail about my scores I'll explain the test. As I said in a previous post I had to take a Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies test. Any score above 400 was proficient. Anything above prficient is considered very good. Advanced is the highest.
In Reading--
My score=467, So I got advance in Reading
In Math--[Shudders I hate this subject]
My score=442, So I got accelerated in Math
In Science--
My score=446, So I barley got advanced in Science
Social Studies--
My score=468, So I got advanced in Social Studies.
Hope that was intresting for you. If not sorry for wasting your time. Till next time...
With love,
In Reading--
My score=467, So I got advance in Reading
In Math--[Shudders I hate this subject]
My score=442, So I got accelerated in Math
In Science--
My score=446, So I barley got advanced in Science
Social Studies--
My score=468, So I got advanced in Social Studies.
Hope that was intresting for you. If not sorry for wasting your time. Till next time...
With love,
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Untitled and other things that need names...
Okay, I haven't fallen of the face of the Earth. I just randomly disappeared. Now on to the updates. My daddy is home! I know what you are all thinking from Iraq? Yes, but not for good. He is only home for a couple more days(This is where I get my tissues out)
We have had a good time. On Wednesday we went to Cedar Point. I know you are all jealous. I finally went on the Space Shot much to my mom's When I was in line for the Raptor[[my favorite ride]]I heard a song I vaguely remembered.I COULD NOT REMEMBER THE NAME! It bugs the crap out of me when I can't remember a song title...Well anyways, I went on a lyric searcher-er-er and typed in "make you my wife" which was the only part of the song I could remember. After searching a couple of songs I finally found what I was looking for. It turns out the song was If You're Not the One by Daniel Bedingfield((I wonder if he is related to Natasha Bedingfield?)) So that dilemma was solved. Phew
Yesterday we went to see the new Indie movie. It was cute. The real point of this though is to talk about the previews before hand. Let's all start off with when I hugged the Twilight movie poster outside of the movie showing room. I don't know what came over me but that is beside the point. The real point is, I SAW THE MOVIE TRAILER WHILE WAITING FOR THE MOVIE TO START! You must all think I'm crazy because I've already seen the trailer about 100 times but to see it outside of the confines of the computer screen is just kind of surreal. I just can't wait.
On to sadder news. My parents won't be letting me go to camp this year. Which is really sad considering the fact I've never been to summer camp and I'm 14 years old. =[ I was really looking forward to it too. But sadly they have a good reason, so I can't chalk them off as cruel and unusual parents. They are concerned about my asthma[Did I mention I found out I had asthma?] Especially since I don't have control over it yet. I stand in a warm ,humid room without starting to feel queasy and my breathing gets harder. It really sucks. But seeing as camp doesn't have air-ondioting I would probably puke. Ugh. Well there goes a week I was looker forward to. Enough rambling on my part. Till next time...
With love,
We have had a good time. On Wednesday we went to Cedar Point. I know you are all jealous. I finally went on the Space Shot much to my mom's When I was in line for the Raptor[[my favorite ride]]I heard a song I vaguely remembered.I COULD NOT REMEMBER THE NAME! It bugs the crap out of me when I can't remember a song title...Well anyways, I went on a lyric searcher-er-er and typed in "make you my wife" which was the only part of the song I could remember. After searching a couple of songs I finally found what I was looking for. It turns out the song was If You're Not the One by Daniel Bedingfield((I wonder if he is related to Natasha Bedingfield?)) So that dilemma was solved. Phew
Yesterday we went to see the new Indie movie. It was cute. The real point of this though is to talk about the previews before hand. Let's all start off with when I hugged the Twilight movie poster outside of the movie showing room. I don't know what came over me but that is beside the point. The real point is, I SAW THE MOVIE TRAILER WHILE WAITING FOR THE MOVIE TO START! You must all think I'm crazy because I've already seen the trailer about 100 times but to see it outside of the confines of the computer screen is just kind of surreal. I just can't wait.
On to sadder news. My parents won't be letting me go to camp this year. Which is really sad considering the fact I've never been to summer camp and I'm 14 years old. =[ I was really looking forward to it too. But sadly they have a good reason, so I can't chalk them off as cruel and unusual parents. They are concerned about my asthma[Did I mention I found out I had asthma?] Especially since I don't have control over it yet. I stand in a warm ,humid room without starting to feel queasy and my breathing gets harder. It really sucks. But seeing as camp doesn't have air-ondioting I would probably puke. Ugh. Well there goes a week I was looker forward to. Enough rambling on my part. Till next time...
With love,
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Summer vacations and other things that are carefree...
RAWRRRRRRR MEGHANN MAD! I swear if anybody comes within a ten foot radius of me at the moment they will have their head ripped off! I.Am.Just.So.Mad.Right.Now!!!!!! Our lovely government is threatening to not pay the U.S. soldiers after June 15th because Bush wants some kind of bill passed. Well I have a few choice words for you Mr. President and none of them are child appropriate. Let me start of my rant with this. DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT ANYBODY BUT YOURSELF!!! These soldiers are risking their lives everyday for our country and YOU! and do you care? No. All you want is more money for your "Operation Iraqi Freedom" Bull crap. Some military families live from paycheck to paycheck and if they don't get the money they so rightfully worked for how are they going to live? On the streets maybe because their rent won't be paid. And do you care? NO. ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOUR STUPID MONEY! AND GUESS WHAT! OUR GOVERNMENT DOESN'T HAVE SOME MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO SPEND RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deep calming breaths. Deep calming breaths...
Time for me to move onto a lighter, happier subject. SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!! 2 and 1/2 months of nothing but pure laziness. Hopefully my mom will let me go to camp. Recently I found out I have allergic asthma and now my mom is going all paranoid on me and isn't sure if I should go. I hope she will let me go*fingers crossed* In about a weeks time my dad will be coming home for R&R. You heard right everyone, my dad is coming home for 2 whole glorious weeks! I cannot wait. I don't know what else to say at the moment, so I will leave you to your thoughts. Till next time...
With love,
Time for me to move onto a lighter, happier subject. SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!! 2 and 1/2 months of nothing but pure laziness. Hopefully my mom will let me go to camp. Recently I found out I have allergic asthma and now my mom is going all paranoid on me and isn't sure if I should go. I hope she will let me go*fingers crossed* In about a weeks time my dad will be coming home for R&R. You heard right everyone, my dad is coming home for 2 whole glorious weeks! I cannot wait. I don't know what else to say at the moment, so I will leave you to your thoughts. Till next time...
With love,
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