RAWRRRRRRR MEGHANN MAD! I swear if anybody comes within a ten foot radius of me at the moment they will have their head ripped off! I.Am.Just.So.Mad.Right.Now!!!!!! Our lovely government is threatening to not pay the U.S. soldiers after June 15th because Bush wants some kind of bill passed. Well I have a few choice words for you Mr. President and none of them are child appropriate. Let me start of my rant with this. DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT ANYBODY BUT YOURSELF!!! These soldiers are risking their lives everyday for our country and YOU! and do you care? No. All you want is more money for your "Operation Iraqi Freedom" Bull crap. Some military families live from paycheck to paycheck and if they don't get the money they so rightfully worked for how are they going to live? On the streets maybe because their rent won't be paid. And do you care? NO. ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOUR STUPID MONEY! AND GUESS WHAT! OUR GOVERNMENT DOESN'T HAVE SOME MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO SPEND RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deep calming breaths. Deep calming breaths...
Time for me to move onto a lighter, happier subject. SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!! 2 and 1/2 months of nothing but pure laziness. Hopefully my mom will let me go to camp. Recently I found out I have allergic asthma and now my mom is going all paranoid on me and isn't sure if I should go. I hope she will let me go*fingers crossed* In about a weeks time my dad will be coming home for R&R. You heard right everyone, my dad is coming home for 2 whole glorious weeks! I cannot wait. I don't know what else to say at the moment, so I will leave you to your thoughts. Till next time...
With love,
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
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