Another week has passed and another week of school is DONE! Last week was particularly hard to endure. Two words--Achievement Testing*shudders* I had a Language Arts, Math, Science and History test in a period of 6 days. Yesterday was the last day, thank God! I don't really see the point in the testing but then again I don't see the point in alot of things. Today in gym our class got chewed out."You guys are the laziest class I've had all year," "You don't put any effort in your work," "You never listen to directions..."Blah blah blah. Like anyone gives a crap. Ms. Talbot[[we have another last name for her but I don't think I'll elaborate on that cause my mom reads this blog...]] just generalizes everyone into one group of laziness. I have to say in my defense, I went to the right group for fitness day, I followed directions and I even did push-ups! Now that is effort!! But does she notice my doings and about 10 other girls efforts?NO! She just assumes we don't give a crap like some of the lazier people. It just really irks me...Grr. She needs to get a reality check if you ask me...Enough of my rambling.
Till next time...
With love,
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Poem and other things I did when I should have been studying for my test...
I stand in a dark room,
with nobody to be found.
I scream at the top of my lungs,
but there is no sound.
People are trying to fill my head,
with thoughts that are not my own.
From these experiences,
I have grown.
I can think for myself.
I have opinions too.
Why can you hear me?
The world isn't about you.
I want to be heard.
I want to be known.
I want the freedom,
to have my own voice.
My opinions do matter.
My thoughts are unique.
Why do you try to repress them?
What kind of condolence do you seek?
The world isn't only black and white.
The world comes in many different colors and hues.
There are reds, pinks, purples, greens, and some blues.
I want to be heard,
for my ideas alone.
I just want to be heard.
I want to be heard.
I stand in a dark room,
with nobody to be found.
I scream at the top of my lungs,
but there is no sound.
People are trying to fill my head,
with thoughts that are not my own.
From these experiences,
I have grown.
I can think for myself.
I have opinions too.
Why can you hear me?
The world isn't about you.
I want to be heard.
I want to be known.
I want the freedom,
to have my own voice.
My opinions do matter.
My thoughts are unique.
Why do you try to repress them?
What kind of condolence do you seek?
The world isn't only black and white.
The world comes in many different colors and hues.
There are reds, pinks, purples, greens, and some blues.
I want to be heard,
for my ideas alone.
I just want to be heard.
I want to be heard.
Well that was it. Till next time...
With love,
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Spring Game and other things that happened today...
Well today was the Ohio State spring game. Let me say one thing, I cannot wait until college. Cute guys aplenty but anyways as I was saying, today was the spring game. When we went to McDonald's before hand we saw Pryor! How cool is that. Nobody came up to him but everybody was like "That's Pryor!!!" We got to sit near him if that counts for anything. We got to the Horse Shoe a bit before the end of the Lax game. Ohio won 19-12. Woo! The weather was pleasant until the start of the football game. One word can describe that, UGH! It SUCKED. My purse got soaked through and my new book was ruined! Luckily 1) I can buy a new copy and 2) None of my electronics[[cellphone, iPod, camera, ect]] were ruined. That's a relief. By the end of the first quarter I was wet and miserable and ready to go home but I didn't say anything about leaving cause I didn't want to take my brother away from the game. He was very excited bout the game and I don't think I could live with myself doing that to him and I don't think I would be able to take his complaining...Luckily I didn't have to say anything because at half time my mom was like "I want to go home" So we left. When we got home I changed into my sweats and went to sleep. Exciting right? I'm not sure what we are doing tomorrow but I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Quick Update and other things that I really don't mind if you don't read...
A couple of events that happen in 18 days:
18 days until my birthday!
18 days until Tokio Hotel's Scream CD comes out!
18 days until The Host comes out!(I really don't care about this one)
18 days until George Clooney's birthday!
18 days until the 127th day in the year!
Till next time...
With love,
18 days until my birthday!
18 days until Tokio Hotel's Scream CD comes out!
18 days until The Host comes out!(I really don't care about this one)
18 days until George Clooney's birthday!
18 days until the 127th day in the year!
Till next time...
With love,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Updates and other things that are way over due...
1)We are doing the Civil War in history.
2)I took this picture myself on my new digital camera!!! Yep you heard right Meghann has got a digital camera!Woo=] I got it as an early birthday gift[[3 weeks by the way, but whose counting?]] cause Saturday we are going to the Ohio State spring game and my mom figured I would like it to take pictures. She thought right. Well anyways for the past 2 days or so I've been playing with my camera and experimenting with angles. One thing led to another while I was stalling my history homework and Viola! I have this awesome picture. It is very professional looking if I do say so myself. I have some more cool looking pictures that I might add later...
Anyways back to updating. My daddy is now officially in Iraq handling those dangerous insurgents.Well he isn't really handling them, just counting the money they have once they come to the prison but you get the drift. Spring break with him was loads of fun. It was like nothing had changed since the last time he was home. We were all joking around and being lazy. I got a bit sad though. I really miss my dad's personality around the house. He found a way to cheer everybody up if he was in a good mood. It's always hard to stay mad at him for the stupid things he does. I'm tearing up over here*Sniffles*
On a brighter note, OMG! DID YOU LIKE HEAR THAT ASHLEY SIMPSON AND PETE WENTZ ARE GETTING MARRIED AND ASHLEY MIGHT BE PREGNANT!! Lol. I don't really care except Pete Wentz is a member of one of my favorite bands. I think they make a cute couple=]
Speaking of cute people that brings me onto the topic of Twilight the movie. I am practically bouncing off my seat waiting for this movie to finish filming. Staring at Robert Pattison for an hour or so is just an added bonus to the fact that one of my fave. books ever is being made into a movie. I'm not sure when the next Harry Potter movie is coming out but can't wait all the same.
I don't know what much more to say so I'll leave it here. Till next time...
With love,
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