1)We are doing the Civil War in history.
2)I took this picture myself on my new digital camera!!! Yep you heard right Meghann has got a digital camera!Woo=] I got it as an early birthday gift[[3 weeks by the way, but whose counting?]] cause Saturday we are going to the Ohio State spring game and my mom figured I would like it to take pictures. She thought right. Well anyways for the past 2 days or so I've been playing with my camera and experimenting with angles. One thing led to another while I was stalling my history homework and Viola! I have this awesome picture. It is very professional looking if I do say so myself. I have some more cool looking pictures that I might add later...
Anyways back to updating. My daddy is now officially in Iraq handling those dangerous insurgents.Well he isn't really handling them, just counting the money they have once they come to the prison but you get the drift. Spring break with him was loads of fun. It was like nothing had changed since the last time he was home. We were all joking around and being lazy. I got a bit sad though. I really miss my dad's personality around the house. He found a way to cheer everybody up if he was in a good mood. It's always hard to stay mad at him for the stupid things he does. I'm tearing up over here*Sniffles*
On a brighter note, OMG! DID YOU LIKE HEAR THAT ASHLEY SIMPSON AND PETE WENTZ ARE GETTING MARRIED AND ASHLEY MIGHT BE PREGNANT!! Lol. I don't really care except Pete Wentz is a member of one of my favorite bands. I think they make a cute couple=]
Speaking of cute people that brings me onto the topic of Twilight the movie. I am practically bouncing off my seat waiting for this movie to finish filming. Staring at Robert Pattison for an hour or so is just an added bonus to the fact that one of my fave. books ever is being made into a movie. I'm not sure when the next Harry Potter movie is coming out but can't wait all the same.
I don't know what much more to say so I'll leave it here. Till next time...
With love,
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