22 days and counting until my dearest father will be coming home. Well not home permanently*snort* I wish! Just for a couple of days. Then when he goes back its bye bye daddy until his R&R. Though he will be going to a safe part of Iraq I can't help but be scared. I don't want anything to happen to my dad. I don't want to come home one day and find out he is dead. I know they are stupid fears but it's something I can't shake. We may not be the closest but my dad is a significant part of my life and I don't know what I would do without him. I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that he had died[[I think I heard somewhere that dreams echo your fears]]Well anyways the pain I felt was so real. Deep down in my subconscious I knew it was a dream but it still scared the crap out of me. I don't want to feel that pain especially since it will probably be ten times worse than it was in my dream. I will be relieved when he comes home for good, for sure. On a lighter note, in about 21 days my Paw Paw will be home!*Throws confetti in air* Till next time...
With love,
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Mondays and other things I depise...
Happy Monday!Not.Mondays are BLAH!!! Luckily today wasn't as bad cause I had today off. What did I do? I did homework and was very lazy. We got Zoo Tycoon 2 the other day so of course the whole family was playing that on and off all day. Yesterday we had loads of fun. We went to COSI in Columbus, oralso known as C-Bus.lol. It was alot of fun doing some hands on science activities. The funniest thing was when we saw the progress of a baby when they are growing in the womb. At two months the baby is super tiny, right. It probably could fit on my thumbnail. Well anyways, when my mom was two months pregnant with my brother she gained 20 pounds and always blamed it on Matt. When we saw the second month stage Matt was all like"Mom there is no way I weighed anywhere near a pound so how could I be the cause of you gaining 20 pounds?" It was hi-larious! Let's just say all those reese minis are no longer justified. I'm not really looking foward to going back to school but then again who does? Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Friday, February 15, 2008
Fridays and other things that rock...
Finally my Top 10 Hottest Guys list has been completed! Drum roll Please....
Channing Tatum!
Isn't he just adorable? Well my list is complete=] I will probably consider making my list top 15 but that depends wether or not I see any more guys... My Complete list is--
1.Chris Trousdale
2.Ryan Sheckler
3.Orlando Bloom
4.Cristiano Ronaldo
5.Hayden Christensen
6.Robert Pattison
7.Channing Tantum
8.Nick Jonas
9.Steven Strait
10.Matt Dallas
Today is Friday! We[as in my family] went out to a chinese buffet that really wasn't all that good. And then we went to the mall! I love the mall. I love any place that has alot people in it, maybe thats why I love N.Y.C. so much...Well anyways have a great weekend. Till next time...
With love,
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Singles Awareness Day and other things that happen on the 14th...
Ahhh Valentines Day, a day of love and passion. That is if you have a boyfriend and last time I checked I was single. Wait let me check again. Yep still single.lol. I'm pathetic...At least I still have my friends=] I got a pretty red carnation from my friend Danielle and in return I got her a pretty pink one. We were going to make t-shirts that said "Happy Singles Awarness Day" on them but we couldn't get ahold of any tshirts sadly...Ah well there is always next year and next year there will be a Valenties dance that I do not plan on going alone to. Today at school was pretty confusing cause of the past two snow days and all but by Tuesday all should be well[[did I mention we have Friday and Monday off too?!;-)]] Also last night hot guy number nine made his way onto my list. Drum roll please....Hayden Christensen everybody!!!Woo! He is just too cute in Star Wars and he is in that new movie Jumpers.((or a title somewhere along those lines...))Lets just see who can secure their place in my number ten. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Miracles and other things that are a gift from god...
My faith in God has been strenghthened all the more after I've read this blog. Its about a women named Tricia who has Cystic Fibrosis. She was on a list for a double lung transplant when she found out she was pregnant. Instead of having an abortion like the doctors recommended Tricia and her husband, Nathan, decided to keep their baby knowing fully well that the birth could kill Tricia and her unborn baby. Gwyneth Rose was born 15 weeks early during a c-section. Follow Gwyneth's growth and Tricia's recovery and you'll truley believe Gwyneth's birth was a gift from God. God Bless your family. Here's the link to Nathan's page-http://cfhusband.blogspot.com/
Till next time...
With love,
Till next time...
With love,
Deployments and other things that suck...
337 days and counting. 337 days till my daddy can come home for good. 337 days seems like such a long time and truthfully it is. I'm not sure if I can take much more of this. I know my mom cant. She seems like a zombie sometimes just waiting for daddy to come home. I hate the whole "Opertation Iraqi Freedom"campain. This whole situation is stupid and pointless. We have no right to be in Iraq. Instead of minding our own buisness we created a mess that we now need to clean up. And its pointless to try to form a government over there. There is going to be a civil war wether we like it or not. UGH! I can't take it anymore=[ I just want my daddy home so we can be a normal family again.[[well as normal as our family can be(^.^)]] Another snow day today. It snowed over night and the rain we had yesterday froze so you can imagine the roads were pretty bad...I hate icy snow.yuck. Enough of my complaining. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Snow days and other things that rock...
Woo! Today we had a snow day! Actually I really didn't want the snow day cause my little sister's school was supposed to have a skating party and I really wanted to go...My mom has made a point, Its pretty sad when I look foward to an elementry school trip...I really need to get myself a socail life, but its not that I don't have any friends. It's just that my friends don't do crap either...Enough rambling about that. Well anyways, today was a very lazy day for me. I pretty much watched cheesy daytime televison and layed on the recliner. I did go outside to play with our dog Harry though=] He absoluty loves the snow. It is sooo funny when he sticks his head into the snow and then comes back up with a white mask on. He can make anybody smile:-) Nothing really new has happened to me recently. Just counting down the days till "Singles Awarness Day" that should be fun;-) Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hot guys and other things that make me drool...
I have found a new love<3 This guy is just enough to make a girl actually watch soccor[[sp?]] Go Portugal!Three words, Heaven Help Me!*Fans face*
Cristiano has made his way to my Top 8 hot guys list and let me tell you he is defentily top 3=]
The other guys on my list just incase you are wondering are:[[The list is in no particular order]]
1. Steven Strait
2. Orlando Bloom
3. Matt Dallas
4. Robert Pattison
5. Nick Jonas
6. Ryan Sheckler
7. Chris Trousdale
Google them and I guarentee you won't be dissapointed! Till next time...
With love,
Friday, February 8, 2008
A shout out and other cool things...
This is a shout out to my awesome friend Sarah=] Who today and tomorrow is going to be in the fabulous play Oliver Twist. I had the part Fagin before I had to move=[ and Sarah had Old Sally. Go Old Sally!Woo! I send you a hundred roses via imaginary mail. Love Ya Like a Sister and break a leg! Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Spelling and other things I am hoplessy terrible at...
Another spelling test today!Phew, I'm glad I survived. But on the bright side of the test I scored and 100% on the vocabulary part. The spelling part...not terribly good, I got a 70% on that.[[bites nails]] All went well today in school. It was boring on the most part...today was "All Green Day" so the kids who hadn't gotton in trouble at all went ice-skating. Let me just say Me+Ice=Alot of uneccisary pain on my part. So I didn't go. Instead I spent 3rd period, Oatcp((?some kind of test prep, dont ask)) and 4th period watching a movie about airplanes through the ages. I couldn't hear much of the movie through my snoring.zzzzz[jk] Ohhh, yesterday we went shopping! That is fun with a capital F but also very dangerous for me. It was a good thing I didn't have any money cause the sales racks were calling my name ;-) I did get 2 new pairs of shoes though. No girl can have too many shoes let me tell you that! but for the most part nothing has changed. Keep me in your thoughts.lol. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The president and other things that need to go back to Texas...
Let me tell you one thing...I CANNOT WAIT until that idiot Bush gets kicked out of office. Well not kicked out just have his term expire. He has made this country a complete and total mess. We have no right in Iraq and hes also made a mess there. I hope your happy with yourself Mr. President. I can't wait until presidental elections come up and the oalf that we put in charge of our country no longer has a say in anything. I would personally like Obhama[[did I spell his name right?]] as our next president. I'm a girl and all but I do not like Hiliary Clinton. She is way too fake. She tries to play "I'm a woman so treat me nice" card and the "I'm an equal and deserve to be in office" card at the same time. Well reality check Hiliary, your not fooling anybody but the people who worshipped your husband. I am hoping and praying that Obama[[again, spell check]] gets the democratic vote.**crosses fingers** On a lighter note, my history test is finally done=] I have a feeling I got a good grade on it(I better have it was a 600 point test..) and I should be getting my Martin Luther King, Jr. report back soon=]. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Army and other things that irratate me...
I do NOT like the Army!grrr...They need to get themselves put back together and get their butts out of Iraq if you ask me. Everything is a mess over seas and here! Its just that nobody really knows or cares! That brings me onto a whole new topic. The children of this generation have absouluty no idea what is going on. It's just like the war in Iraq is some old fad. For an art project we had to make a Keith Herring style card about a socail concern today. Being the good military brat I am I did my card on the war debt. Well, another table had to critque our work. Some people were all like "Your card is really good,yada yada yada" the whole nine yards. But the thing that got on my nerves the most were the comments like "Thats a weird concern," or my personal favorite "I don't really think that is a concern" !?#@*& I'm like what is WRONG with you people?! Does the fact that in order to pay off only our war debt every single american alive at this moment owes more than thirty thousand dollars not a concern to you!?! In order to stay the super power we are today we need to get out of Iraq, bring the big business back to America, and concentrate on paying off our debt before we go into another great depression. UGH. It's like everybody is living in a big bubble and nothing bad can touch them. It's pathetic, truley pathetic...Enough ranting on my side. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Monday, February 4, 2008
Life and other things that are complicated...
Have you ever had that feeling that you work your butt off to get to the top of the hill and right when your about to make it to the top, you fall backwards causing you to start all over again? Well, it almost seems that way with me. In New Jersey I was very slowly climbing up the social ladder thanks to my best friend Chandler's help and I was becoming more confindent. Well I move, and I fall backwards. I'm right back to the shy, quiet girl I was when I moved to New Jersey in the first place. I lose all my friends and I have to make new ones which is hard for me at times. Sometimes I just can't wait to get to college where I can make a completey new start that isn't influenced by some preppy little blonde who determines what is hot and what is not. Well sadly I have about 4 more years of a wait until I get to that point. Another thing about college that will be refreshing is a decent maturatity level. Girls around these parts get all excited about a coloring book that has a picture of a monkey in it. It's pathetic. Not even girls on the East Coast were this bad...Sometimes I feel like I'm thirty five while the rest of the teenagers in my school are stuck at the age of three. Enough ranting on my part...Till next time!
With Love,
With Love,
Friday, February 1, 2008
School and other things that are useless...
Today was a fun filled day, Here is a account of my day-
- 2 hour delay due to icy rain
- History test, it was very easy but I was still semi-nervous. I'm not looking foward to the second part of the test
- My friend Jeffery's birthday was today, well maybe not today. He was born on a leap year, Feb. 29. So if this year wasn't a leap year it would've been his birthday. You know techinally he's only 3 years old...lol.
- Spelling test. I CAN NOT SPELL FOR MY LIFE!! But I think I did a decent job. I know I missed, sanctuary cause I was nervous and confused. Ah well. I also think I got haughty and arrogant mixed up on the defention section...
- I'm actually starting to catch up in my spanish class. We are learning to conjengate -er and -ir verbs. Very intresting I know...
- I got home and my Boys Like Girls cd finally came in the mail. Woo! Time to add the songs to my iPod=]
Well that's all that really happened, Hope your still awake. Till next time.
With love,
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