I do NOT like the Army!grrr...They need to get themselves put back together and get their butts out of Iraq if you ask me. Everything is a mess over seas and here! Its just that nobody really knows or cares! That brings me onto a whole new topic. The children of this generation have absouluty no idea what is going on. It's just like the war in Iraq is some old fad. For an art project we had to make a Keith Herring style card about a socail concern today. Being the good military brat I am I did my card on the war debt. Well, another table had to critque our work. Some people were all like "Your card is really good,yada yada yada" the whole nine yards. But the thing that got on my nerves the most were the comments like "Thats a weird concern," or my personal favorite "I don't really think that is a concern" !?#@*& I'm like what is WRONG with you people?! Does the fact that in order to pay off only our war debt every single american alive at this moment owes more than thirty thousand dollars not a concern to you!?! In order to stay the super power we are today we need to get out of Iraq, bring the big business back to America, and concentrate on paying off our debt before we go into another great depression. UGH. It's like everybody is living in a big bubble and nothing bad can touch them. It's pathetic, truley pathetic...Enough ranting on my side. Till next time...
With love,
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
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