Monday, February 11, 2008

Hot guys and other things that make me drool...

Cristiano Ranaldo, Just look at that body.Phew!
I have found a new love<3 This guy is just enough to make a girl actually watch soccor[[sp?]] Go Portugal!Three words, Heaven Help Me!*Fans face*
Cristiano has made his way to my Top 8 hot guys list and let me tell you he is defentily top 3=]
The other guys on my list just incase you are wondering are:[[The list is in no particular order]]
1. Steven Strait
2. Orlando Bloom
3. Matt Dallas
4. Robert Pattison
5. Nick Jonas
6. Ryan Sheckler
7. Chris Trousdale
Google them and I guarentee you won't be dissapointed! Till next time...
With love,

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B&W Flower

B&W Flower
Another Awesome Pictue by Me=]