Sunday, July 20, 2008

The "M" word and other things I rather forget...

We are 90% sure we will be moving...*Shudders* Why do we have to move again you may ask. The answer is as simple as I can put it. My dad, who is in Iraq won't be able to land a job in Ohio like I was hoping. That means that we have to move back to the dreaded New Jersey. Not that NJ is bad in all, it's just that I don't want to go back to a state that makes me so sick. Oh, on the topic of sickness. I DON'T HAVE ASTHMA!GAH. I missed camp for no reason. My breathing was just bad because of my allergies. I still have to use my rescue inhaler but Com'on. Why me?
Another thing. Does Ohio have no taste in magazines? Not that I don't love Ohio, I do dearly but this state is filled with hicks and white trash. I went to like 5 different stores just to find ONE copy of Entertainment Weekly and I couldn't find ANY at all. Zip nadda nilch. Grrr. The one magazine I set my mind to get is not even anywhere to be found! The world hates
I have about another month until school starts. Scary I know. 9th grade....I'll tell you one thing I'm looking forward to. The hot high school guys. Phew. Enough rambling on my part. Till next time...
With love,

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B&W Flower

B&W Flower
Another Awesome Pictue by Me=]