Tomorrow I will officially start High School. Yikes! Scary thought, right? We had a freshman orientation today at school...[No point in it really.] And I got my schedule. The following will be my classes...
1--Home base
2--Enriched Science 9A
3--Creative Writing
4--Enriched Geometry(Yikes!)
5--Enriched World History
6--French 1A
7--Enriched English 9A
8--Intro to Drama: Acting
Notice anything missing? Lunch period maybe? It was the same for Matt's schedule[FYI:Matt is my brother] Hmm, maybe we aren't allowed to eat anymore...I will have to figure that out tomorrow...
Onto other subjects, Breaking Dawn. I really don't know what to say about this book. I do know one thing, I was majorly let down in this book. It just wasn't up to scratch to most of Stephenie Meyer's writing. The more I got into the book the more I thought I was reading some wannabe fanfiction story. I truly think Stephenie tried waaay too hard to please too many people at once. It was almost as if she just put drama there to put it there. The plot line was very boring I must say. I really wish Stephenie would have taken her time writing this book and would have written it in the true styles of Twilight. I dunno, like I said she tried to hard. This book is enjoyable but if it weren't for the original books I wouldn't have read it.
Well I must be off to bed. Till next time...
With love,
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Ramblings and other things that are not important...
I am bound a dertimined to find a way to add music to my blog. I find the best way to get rid of a song that has been buzzing around in my head is to post it elsewhere for it to get stuck into other peoples heads. It makes me feel better to know I'm not alone...So that would bring me back to the reason I'm posting. Since I can't seem to find a way to add just music at the moment I'll settle for a plain old playlist. Now you need to remember I am an odd person. Before you go "Wtf? What is with her playlist?" remember I have a very diverse taste in music=] That is what makes me fun.
Meghann's Playlist
Fluorescent Adolescent--Artic Monkeys
Now Your Gone, All I Ever Wanted--Bass Hunter
Then I Woke Up--Clique Girlz
How I could Just Kill a Man--Charoltte Sometimes
Runaway--Avril Lavinge
Can You Hear Me?--Enrique Ingelesias
Summertime--New Kids on the Block
Take Me on the Floor--The Veronicas
Smoking Guns--Precious
(and God forbid I like country music)The Outside--Taylor Swift
There is no rhyme or reason to this playlist. They are just the songs that have been stuck in my head for awhile. Hope you enjoyed the slight insight to my mind(I know it confuses me too) Till next time...
With love,
P.S. I decided to add a video from my playlist just to amuse you non-existent readers...
\/\/\/\/ Follow the arrows
Meghann's Playlist
Fluorescent Adolescent--Artic Monkeys
Now Your Gone, All I Ever Wanted--Bass Hunter
Then I Woke Up--Clique Girlz
How I could Just Kill a Man--Charoltte Sometimes
Runaway--Avril Lavinge
Can You Hear Me?--Enrique Ingelesias
Summertime--New Kids on the Block
Take Me on the Floor--The Veronicas
Smoking Guns--Precious
(and God forbid I like country music)The Outside--Taylor Swift
There is no rhyme or reason to this playlist. They are just the songs that have been stuck in my head for awhile. Hope you enjoyed the slight insight to my mind(I know it confuses me too) Till next time...
With love,
P.S. I decided to add a video from my playlist just to amuse you non-existent readers...
\/\/\/\/ Follow the arrows
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The "M" word and other things I rather forget...
We are 90% sure we will be moving...*Shudders* Why do we have to move again you may ask. The answer is as simple as I can put it. My dad, who is in Iraq won't be able to land a job in Ohio like I was hoping. That means that we have to move back to the dreaded New Jersey. Not that NJ is bad in all, it's just that I don't want to go back to a state that makes me so sick. Oh, on the topic of sickness. I DON'T HAVE ASTHMA!GAH. I missed camp for no reason. My breathing was just bad because of my allergies. I still have to use my rescue inhaler but Com'on. Why me?
Another thing. Does Ohio have no taste in magazines? Not that I don't love Ohio, I do dearly but this state is filled with hicks and white trash. I went to like 5 different stores just to find ONE copy of Entertainment Weekly and I couldn't find ANY at all. Zip nadda nilch. Grrr. The one magazine I set my mind to get is not even anywhere to be found! The world hates
I have about another month until school starts. Scary I know. 9th grade....I'll tell you one thing I'm looking forward to. The hot high school guys. Phew. Enough rambling on my part. Till next time...
With love,
Another thing. Does Ohio have no taste in magazines? Not that I don't love Ohio, I do dearly but this state is filled with hicks and white trash. I went to like 5 different stores just to find ONE copy of Entertainment Weekly and I couldn't find ANY at all. Zip nadda nilch. Grrr. The one magazine I set my mind to get is not even anywhere to be found! The world hates
I have about another month until school starts. Scary I know. 9th grade....I'll tell you one thing I'm looking forward to. The hot high school guys. Phew. Enough rambling on my part. Till next time...
With love,
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Holy cow and other things that sound funny...
OMG, you will never believe the picture I have stumbled upon the will make sure I beg my mother to buy me a copy of Entertainment Weekly this Friday. I have already printed it off but I decided I wanted the real deal hanging on my wall.(FYI my wall is reserved for hot guys, cool celebrities, and Twilight) Without further ado(is that how you say it?) The picture.

The picture belongs to EW, they have all the rights to it, yada yada yada.
Now time to scroll through the pros and cons of this picture.
Robert/Edward is shirtless. Who doesn't like a shirtless Robert?
It looks to me as if Rob has chest hair. Gasp! For one Edward's chest is supposed to be hairless and two I never imagined Rob with chest hair. Those two things do not mix for me...
I love how protective Rob looks over Kirsten. They have really captured the essence of the whole Bella/Edward relationship.
None for this
Kirsten looks absolutely gorgeous.
None really, except the fact she is holding the apple when a vampire is holding the apple on the cover of the book.
They have the apple! How cool is that? And believe me the apple is kind of important for the book if you know the meaning behind it.
So that is it for my rambling today. Till next time...
With love,

The picture belongs to EW, they have all the rights to it, yada yada yada.
Now time to scroll through the pros and cons of this picture.
Robert/Edward is shirtless. Who doesn't like a shirtless Robert?
It looks to me as if Rob has chest hair. Gasp! For one Edward's chest is supposed to be hairless and two I never imagined Rob with chest hair. Those two things do not mix for me...
I love how protective Rob looks over Kirsten. They have really captured the essence of the whole Bella/Edward relationship.
None for this
Kirsten looks absolutely gorgeous.
None really, except the fact she is holding the apple when a vampire is holding the apple on the cover of the book.
They have the apple! How cool is that? And believe me the apple is kind of important for the book if you know the meaning behind it.
So that is it for my rambling today. Till next time...
With love,
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Achievment Testing scores and other things that have been long awaited...
Guess what?! I got my Achievment test scores today. Before I go into detail about my scores I'll explain the test. As I said in a previous post I had to take a Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies test. Any score above 400 was proficient. Anything above prficient is considered very good. Advanced is the highest.
In Reading--
My score=467, So I got advance in Reading
In Math--[Shudders I hate this subject]
My score=442, So I got accelerated in Math
In Science--
My score=446, So I barley got advanced in Science
Social Studies--
My score=468, So I got advanced in Social Studies.
Hope that was intresting for you. If not sorry for wasting your time. Till next time...
With love,
In Reading--
My score=467, So I got advance in Reading
In Math--[Shudders I hate this subject]
My score=442, So I got accelerated in Math
In Science--
My score=446, So I barley got advanced in Science
Social Studies--
My score=468, So I got advanced in Social Studies.
Hope that was intresting for you. If not sorry for wasting your time. Till next time...
With love,
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Untitled and other things that need names...
Okay, I haven't fallen of the face of the Earth. I just randomly disappeared. Now on to the updates. My daddy is home! I know what you are all thinking from Iraq? Yes, but not for good. He is only home for a couple more days(This is where I get my tissues out)
We have had a good time. On Wednesday we went to Cedar Point. I know you are all jealous. I finally went on the Space Shot much to my mom's When I was in line for the Raptor[[my favorite ride]]I heard a song I vaguely remembered.I COULD NOT REMEMBER THE NAME! It bugs the crap out of me when I can't remember a song title...Well anyways, I went on a lyric searcher-er-er and typed in "make you my wife" which was the only part of the song I could remember. After searching a couple of songs I finally found what I was looking for. It turns out the song was If You're Not the One by Daniel Bedingfield((I wonder if he is related to Natasha Bedingfield?)) So that dilemma was solved. Phew
Yesterday we went to see the new Indie movie. It was cute. The real point of this though is to talk about the previews before hand. Let's all start off with when I hugged the Twilight movie poster outside of the movie showing room. I don't know what came over me but that is beside the point. The real point is, I SAW THE MOVIE TRAILER WHILE WAITING FOR THE MOVIE TO START! You must all think I'm crazy because I've already seen the trailer about 100 times but to see it outside of the confines of the computer screen is just kind of surreal. I just can't wait.
On to sadder news. My parents won't be letting me go to camp this year. Which is really sad considering the fact I've never been to summer camp and I'm 14 years old. =[ I was really looking forward to it too. But sadly they have a good reason, so I can't chalk them off as cruel and unusual parents. They are concerned about my asthma[Did I mention I found out I had asthma?] Especially since I don't have control over it yet. I stand in a warm ,humid room without starting to feel queasy and my breathing gets harder. It really sucks. But seeing as camp doesn't have air-ondioting I would probably puke. Ugh. Well there goes a week I was looker forward to. Enough rambling on my part. Till next time...
With love,
We have had a good time. On Wednesday we went to Cedar Point. I know you are all jealous. I finally went on the Space Shot much to my mom's When I was in line for the Raptor[[my favorite ride]]I heard a song I vaguely remembered.I COULD NOT REMEMBER THE NAME! It bugs the crap out of me when I can't remember a song title...Well anyways, I went on a lyric searcher-er-er and typed in "make you my wife" which was the only part of the song I could remember. After searching a couple of songs I finally found what I was looking for. It turns out the song was If You're Not the One by Daniel Bedingfield((I wonder if he is related to Natasha Bedingfield?)) So that dilemma was solved. Phew
Yesterday we went to see the new Indie movie. It was cute. The real point of this though is to talk about the previews before hand. Let's all start off with when I hugged the Twilight movie poster outside of the movie showing room. I don't know what came over me but that is beside the point. The real point is, I SAW THE MOVIE TRAILER WHILE WAITING FOR THE MOVIE TO START! You must all think I'm crazy because I've already seen the trailer about 100 times but to see it outside of the confines of the computer screen is just kind of surreal. I just can't wait.
On to sadder news. My parents won't be letting me go to camp this year. Which is really sad considering the fact I've never been to summer camp and I'm 14 years old. =[ I was really looking forward to it too. But sadly they have a good reason, so I can't chalk them off as cruel and unusual parents. They are concerned about my asthma[Did I mention I found out I had asthma?] Especially since I don't have control over it yet. I stand in a warm ,humid room without starting to feel queasy and my breathing gets harder. It really sucks. But seeing as camp doesn't have air-ondioting I would probably puke. Ugh. Well there goes a week I was looker forward to. Enough rambling on my part. Till next time...
With love,
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Summer vacations and other things that are carefree...
RAWRRRRRRR MEGHANN MAD! I swear if anybody comes within a ten foot radius of me at the moment they will have their head ripped off! I.Am.Just.So.Mad.Right.Now!!!!!! Our lovely government is threatening to not pay the U.S. soldiers after June 15th because Bush wants some kind of bill passed. Well I have a few choice words for you Mr. President and none of them are child appropriate. Let me start of my rant with this. DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT ANYBODY BUT YOURSELF!!! These soldiers are risking their lives everyday for our country and YOU! and do you care? No. All you want is more money for your "Operation Iraqi Freedom" Bull crap. Some military families live from paycheck to paycheck and if they don't get the money they so rightfully worked for how are they going to live? On the streets maybe because their rent won't be paid. And do you care? NO. ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOUR STUPID MONEY! AND GUESS WHAT! OUR GOVERNMENT DOESN'T HAVE SOME MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO SPEND RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deep calming breaths. Deep calming breaths...
Time for me to move onto a lighter, happier subject. SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!! 2 and 1/2 months of nothing but pure laziness. Hopefully my mom will let me go to camp. Recently I found out I have allergic asthma and now my mom is going all paranoid on me and isn't sure if I should go. I hope she will let me go*fingers crossed* In about a weeks time my dad will be coming home for R&R. You heard right everyone, my dad is coming home for 2 whole glorious weeks! I cannot wait. I don't know what else to say at the moment, so I will leave you to your thoughts. Till next time...
With love,
Time for me to move onto a lighter, happier subject. SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!! 2 and 1/2 months of nothing but pure laziness. Hopefully my mom will let me go to camp. Recently I found out I have allergic asthma and now my mom is going all paranoid on me and isn't sure if I should go. I hope she will let me go*fingers crossed* In about a weeks time my dad will be coming home for R&R. You heard right everyone, my dad is coming home for 2 whole glorious weeks! I cannot wait. I don't know what else to say at the moment, so I will leave you to your thoughts. Till next time...
With love,
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
States tests and other things I'm going to fail tomorrow...
I am biting my nails right now[[not really but you get the idea]] I am 99.9% sure I am going to fail my states test tomorrow. We have to know all the states capitals and be able to put them with their state. So far I've studied for like an hour. That is alot more than I usually study. My history teacher can be a tough grader when he feels like it. He said he used to take off a letter grade to anybody who failed one of his geography test. That doesn't do anything to my confidence at all. Phst, pft, whimper, cry. I can't fail this test cause then he'll take of a letter grade and I'll only have a B in his class and then I won't get accepted into Enriched History, and because I haven't taken any good classes I won't get accepted into Yale and then I won't have a future!!! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating just a little bit but that doesn't mean I still won't be studying my butt off. Which reminds me I must be going to study-udy-udy! Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Movie Trailers and other exicting things that are out...
There is no better way to explain my excitement about the Twilight Teaser trailer than Bailey herself.NoMoreMarbles everybody!A cool link if it works
Lets just hope it post normally.If it doesn't, well, I tried. But you may be wondering "What has Meghann so exicited?" Well the answer is right here! My obssesion
I'm so excited I just can't hide it! Now all I have to do is patiently stalk the Internet until a new video comes out! Doesn't that sound like oodles of fun? Well it is=]
Nothing new on the home front. 12 more days of school left! That's always a plus. I'm getting very iritated with Blogger because they never let me log in so I constantly have to change my password.Ugh! On a happier note, I'm going to see the Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian tomorrow with my church. That should be fun, right?Lets all hope so for my sake. Till next time...
With love,
Lets just hope it post normally.If it doesn't, well, I tried. But you may be wondering "What has Meghann so exicited?" Well the answer is right here! My obssesion
I'm so excited I just can't hide it! Now all I have to do is patiently stalk the Internet until a new video comes out! Doesn't that sound like oodles of fun? Well it is=]
Nothing new on the home front. 12 more days of school left! That's always a plus. I'm getting very iritated with Blogger because they never let me log in so I constantly have to change my password.Ugh! On a happier note, I'm going to see the Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian tomorrow with my church. That should be fun, right?Lets all hope so for my sake. Till next time...
With love,
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Migranes and other things that plauge the weak of mind...
I stayed home from school today. Guess why? My head hurts bad. My mom says it's either 1)Bad allergies or 2)A regular Migrane. Frankly both suck and I could live without both. Yet that aint gonna happen anytime soon=[ So I'm here at the computer with nothing really to do. I think I might help my mom around the house to make myself useful...but now I'm hungry and I think we have some leftover pizza in the fridge. Yum! Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Questions and other things that have been buzzing around in my head...
What do you do when somebody tells you that the boy you like likes you but has a girlfriend?Do you pretend like nothing happened and continue to be just a friend or do you take a chance for once in your life? What if you do take a chance but the person who told you your crush liked you was lying and you get rejected? What if the person was telling the truth but you don't take the chance and you never get to tell the boy your true feelings? What if your crush broke up with his girlfriend and asked you out? What would you do?
These are all valid questions in my world. All these questions relate what is happening to me. I don't know what to do. I'm so confused. GAH! I hate being a teenager=[ I can't really tell whether or not he likes me. Sometimes he'll just look at me but that's not exactly saying "I like you Meghann." He treats me like he treats every other "girl"friend he has, so what makes me special? But he was saying how he got a girlfriend and watched me as if to see what I was going to say.I really do want him to like me and not let this all be one trick. The girl I got this info from is not the most reliable but why would she tell me if he didn't? She doesn't know I like him too. Maybe she was trying to gauge my reaction...I hope not, she is friends with him...I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! HELP ME GOD! So, so confused. Till next time...
With love,
P.S. I got into Enriched History for freshman year=]I feel so smart!
These are all valid questions in my world. All these questions relate what is happening to me. I don't know what to do. I'm so confused. GAH! I hate being a teenager=[ I can't really tell whether or not he likes me. Sometimes he'll just look at me but that's not exactly saying "I like you Meghann." He treats me like he treats every other "girl"friend he has, so what makes me special? But he was saying how he got a girlfriend and watched me as if to see what I was going to say.I really do want him to like me and not let this all be one trick. The girl I got this info from is not the most reliable but why would she tell me if he didn't? She doesn't know I like him too. Maybe she was trying to gauge my reaction...I hope not, she is friends with him...I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! HELP ME GOD! So, so confused. Till next time...
With love,
P.S. I got into Enriched History for freshman year=]I feel so smart!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Testing and other things I'm glad that are over...
Another week has passed and another week of school is DONE! Last week was particularly hard to endure. Two words--Achievement Testing*shudders* I had a Language Arts, Math, Science and History test in a period of 6 days. Yesterday was the last day, thank God! I don't really see the point in the testing but then again I don't see the point in alot of things. Today in gym our class got chewed out."You guys are the laziest class I've had all year," "You don't put any effort in your work," "You never listen to directions..."Blah blah blah. Like anyone gives a crap. Ms. Talbot[[we have another last name for her but I don't think I'll elaborate on that cause my mom reads this blog...]] just generalizes everyone into one group of laziness. I have to say in my defense, I went to the right group for fitness day, I followed directions and I even did push-ups! Now that is effort!! But does she notice my doings and about 10 other girls efforts?NO! She just assumes we don't give a crap like some of the lazier people. It just really irks me...Grr. She needs to get a reality check if you ask me...Enough of my rambling.
Till next time...
With love,
Till next time...
With love,
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Poem and other things I did when I should have been studying for my test...
I stand in a dark room,
with nobody to be found.
I scream at the top of my lungs,
but there is no sound.
People are trying to fill my head,
with thoughts that are not my own.
From these experiences,
I have grown.
I can think for myself.
I have opinions too.
Why can you hear me?
The world isn't about you.
I want to be heard.
I want to be known.
I want the freedom,
to have my own voice.
My opinions do matter.
My thoughts are unique.
Why do you try to repress them?
What kind of condolence do you seek?
The world isn't only black and white.
The world comes in many different colors and hues.
There are reds, pinks, purples, greens, and some blues.
I want to be heard,
for my ideas alone.
I just want to be heard.
I want to be heard.
I stand in a dark room,
with nobody to be found.
I scream at the top of my lungs,
but there is no sound.
People are trying to fill my head,
with thoughts that are not my own.
From these experiences,
I have grown.
I can think for myself.
I have opinions too.
Why can you hear me?
The world isn't about you.
I want to be heard.
I want to be known.
I want the freedom,
to have my own voice.
My opinions do matter.
My thoughts are unique.
Why do you try to repress them?
What kind of condolence do you seek?
The world isn't only black and white.
The world comes in many different colors and hues.
There are reds, pinks, purples, greens, and some blues.
I want to be heard,
for my ideas alone.
I just want to be heard.
I want to be heard.
Well that was it. Till next time...
With love,
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Spring Game and other things that happened today...
Well today was the Ohio State spring game. Let me say one thing, I cannot wait until college. Cute guys aplenty but anyways as I was saying, today was the spring game. When we went to McDonald's before hand we saw Pryor! How cool is that. Nobody came up to him but everybody was like "That's Pryor!!!" We got to sit near him if that counts for anything. We got to the Horse Shoe a bit before the end of the Lax game. Ohio won 19-12. Woo! The weather was pleasant until the start of the football game. One word can describe that, UGH! It SUCKED. My purse got soaked through and my new book was ruined! Luckily 1) I can buy a new copy and 2) None of my electronics[[cellphone, iPod, camera, ect]] were ruined. That's a relief. By the end of the first quarter I was wet and miserable and ready to go home but I didn't say anything about leaving cause I didn't want to take my brother away from the game. He was very excited bout the game and I don't think I could live with myself doing that to him and I don't think I would be able to take his complaining...Luckily I didn't have to say anything because at half time my mom was like "I want to go home" So we left. When we got home I changed into my sweats and went to sleep. Exciting right? I'm not sure what we are doing tomorrow but I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Quick Update and other things that I really don't mind if you don't read...
A couple of events that happen in 18 days:
18 days until my birthday!
18 days until Tokio Hotel's Scream CD comes out!
18 days until The Host comes out!(I really don't care about this one)
18 days until George Clooney's birthday!
18 days until the 127th day in the year!
Till next time...
With love,
18 days until my birthday!
18 days until Tokio Hotel's Scream CD comes out!
18 days until The Host comes out!(I really don't care about this one)
18 days until George Clooney's birthday!
18 days until the 127th day in the year!
Till next time...
With love,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Updates and other things that are way over due...
1)We are doing the Civil War in history.
2)I took this picture myself on my new digital camera!!! Yep you heard right Meghann has got a digital camera!Woo=] I got it as an early birthday gift[[3 weeks by the way, but whose counting?]] cause Saturday we are going to the Ohio State spring game and my mom figured I would like it to take pictures. She thought right. Well anyways for the past 2 days or so I've been playing with my camera and experimenting with angles. One thing led to another while I was stalling my history homework and Viola! I have this awesome picture. It is very professional looking if I do say so myself. I have some more cool looking pictures that I might add later...
Anyways back to updating. My daddy is now officially in Iraq handling those dangerous insurgents.Well he isn't really handling them, just counting the money they have once they come to the prison but you get the drift. Spring break with him was loads of fun. It was like nothing had changed since the last time he was home. We were all joking around and being lazy. I got a bit sad though. I really miss my dad's personality around the house. He found a way to cheer everybody up if he was in a good mood. It's always hard to stay mad at him for the stupid things he does. I'm tearing up over here*Sniffles*
On a brighter note, OMG! DID YOU LIKE HEAR THAT ASHLEY SIMPSON AND PETE WENTZ ARE GETTING MARRIED AND ASHLEY MIGHT BE PREGNANT!! Lol. I don't really care except Pete Wentz is a member of one of my favorite bands. I think they make a cute couple=]
Speaking of cute people that brings me onto the topic of Twilight the movie. I am practically bouncing off my seat waiting for this movie to finish filming. Staring at Robert Pattison for an hour or so is just an added bonus to the fact that one of my fave. books ever is being made into a movie. I'm not sure when the next Harry Potter movie is coming out but can't wait all the same.
I don't know what much more to say so I'll leave it here. Till next time...
With love,
Monday, March 17, 2008
Life and other things that I could ramble about...
Bonjour tout le monde ! Or Hello Everybody=]High School scheduling was today! Let me say one thing, High School is complicated. There are so many factors that effect later on in life. Like I decided instead of going onto Spanish 2 I wanted to change my language to French. This wasn't a spur of the moment decsion. I have been pondering on changing to french since I had first started Spanish in 7th grade...Well anyways I was telling the consular I wanted to change to french and she was all like "Why don't you just do Spanish2 freshmen year and then do french for the rest of High School?" and I'm all like "Why?" and she was like " At some of the highest colleges they look for 2 years in one language and 3 in the other..." and I'm all like "Okay..." and then I said "I think it would be easier for me to start french now instead of in 10th grade cause I don't want to get too far into Spanish..." Any ways I just signed up for French making my life much easier. Deep down inside I've always wanted to learn french[[I just love Beauty and the Beast]] I just choose Spanish because I thought it would be more practical and I know the basics now. No looking back now...
In other news, my daddy is coming home tomorrow!!! Finally. I can't wait=]=]=]I'm still going to school on Wednesday and then my mom is taking us out of school Thursday to spend the day with him. Not that I will be missing much. Almost all of the 8th grade has left for the Washington D.C. trip today so I'll be doing a huge packet all week to keep myself occupied....Plus my pawpaw should be home Wednesday! It's just one big family reunion!! Till next time...
With love,
P.S. I have found my #1 Hot Guy! His name is*drum roll please* Gaspard Ulliel!Look him up ;-)
In other news, my daddy is coming home tomorrow!!! Finally. I can't wait=]=]=]I'm still going to school on Wednesday and then my mom is taking us out of school Thursday to spend the day with him. Not that I will be missing much. Almost all of the 8th grade has left for the Washington D.C. trip today so I'll be doing a huge packet all week to keep myself occupied....Plus my pawpaw should be home Wednesday! It's just one big family reunion!! Till next time...
With love,
P.S. I have found my #1 Hot Guy! His name is*drum roll please* Gaspard Ulliel!Look him up ;-)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Snow and other things that are cold and wet...
I have re-discovered my hate of snow. Being in New Jersey for a while you get used to not having much snow with the ocean is near by and such, changing could-be snow into rain. So you forget how much the white stuff sucks! Well in Ohio we have no such luck. Snow storm upon snow storm hammers us. Just the other day we were let out of school early cause the roads were in bad condition...Right now we are on a Level 2 snow emergency which pretty much means no going outside unless it's an emergency[[my mom counts having no coffee a emergency...]]UGH!
Well last night we watched 30 days of Night. Let me tell you that movie went from about a 3star movie to a half a star in a matter of 10 minutes. The was alot of unnecessary violence and gore and the story line SUCKED! I'm one to love vampire movies but not this one...Do not watch if you haven't already. In other news I have upgraded my Top 10 Hot Guys to my Top 15 Hot Guys! Here is the new and improved list--
1.Steven Strait
2.Orlando Bloom
3.Matt Dallas
4.Ryan Sheckler
5.Nick Jonas
6.Robert Pattison
7.Chris Troudale
8.Hayden Christensen
9.Channel Tantum
10.Christiano Renaldo
11.Prince William[[Charming]]
12.Prince Harry[[Don't you love a prince in uniform?]]
13.Josh Hartnett[[Re-discovered love, in Pearl Harbor(love that movie) and 30 days of night]]
14.Jackson Rathbone
15. Taylor Lautner
There you go! Till next time...
With love,
Well last night we watched 30 days of Night. Let me tell you that movie went from about a 3star movie to a half a star in a matter of 10 minutes. The was alot of unnecessary violence and gore and the story line SUCKED! I'm one to love vampire movies but not this one...Do not watch if you haven't already. In other news I have upgraded my Top 10 Hot Guys to my Top 15 Hot Guys! Here is the new and improved list--
1.Steven Strait
2.Orlando Bloom
3.Matt Dallas
4.Ryan Sheckler
5.Nick Jonas
6.Robert Pattison
7.Chris Troudale
8.Hayden Christensen
9.Channel Tantum
10.Christiano Renaldo
11.Prince William[[Charming]]
12.Prince Harry[[Don't you love a prince in uniform?]]
13.Josh Hartnett[[Re-discovered love, in Pearl Harbor(love that movie) and 30 days of night]]
14.Jackson Rathbone
15. Taylor Lautner
There you go! Till next time...
With love,
Saturday, March 1, 2008
A poem and other heart-felt things...
Your laughter could warm any heart
You could make the sun come out from the dark
You saw the beauty in everybody, everything
There was no telling what kind of joy you would bring
I sit here at my desk, keyboard under hand
and there is no words to describe how I feel
I don't think anybody can
With you gone I want to cry
I slowly watch the days go by
I feel so empty, so incomplete
I lower my head in defeat
No matter how hard we tried, or what we did
You fell to the sickness you so well hid
God wanted you in Heaven so he took you away
There is no way you could have stayed
But now your body is fixed and brand new
You are no longer broken as we all knew
I hope you are enjoying yourself, in that world so high
Sometimes I think I can see your face in the sky
Don't worry I'll be okay
Cause I know I'll join you one day
Till next time...
With love,
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My Daddy and other people I miss...
22 days and counting until my dearest father will be coming home. Well not home permanently*snort* I wish! Just for a couple of days. Then when he goes back its bye bye daddy until his R&R. Though he will be going to a safe part of Iraq I can't help but be scared. I don't want anything to happen to my dad. I don't want to come home one day and find out he is dead. I know they are stupid fears but it's something I can't shake. We may not be the closest but my dad is a significant part of my life and I don't know what I would do without him. I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that he had died[[I think I heard somewhere that dreams echo your fears]]Well anyways the pain I felt was so real. Deep down in my subconscious I knew it was a dream but it still scared the crap out of me. I don't want to feel that pain especially since it will probably be ten times worse than it was in my dream. I will be relieved when he comes home for good, for sure. On a lighter note, in about 21 days my Paw Paw will be home!*Throws confetti in air* Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Monday, February 18, 2008
Mondays and other things I depise...
Happy Monday!Not.Mondays are BLAH!!! Luckily today wasn't as bad cause I had today off. What did I do? I did homework and was very lazy. We got Zoo Tycoon 2 the other day so of course the whole family was playing that on and off all day. Yesterday we had loads of fun. We went to COSI in Columbus, oralso known as It was alot of fun doing some hands on science activities. The funniest thing was when we saw the progress of a baby when they are growing in the womb. At two months the baby is super tiny, right. It probably could fit on my thumbnail. Well anyways, when my mom was two months pregnant with my brother she gained 20 pounds and always blamed it on Matt. When we saw the second month stage Matt was all like"Mom there is no way I weighed anywhere near a pound so how could I be the cause of you gaining 20 pounds?" It was hi-larious! Let's just say all those reese minis are no longer justified. I'm not really looking foward to going back to school but then again who does? Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Friday, February 15, 2008
Fridays and other things that rock...
Finally my Top 10 Hottest Guys list has been completed! Drum roll Please....
Channing Tatum!
Isn't he just adorable? Well my list is complete=] I will probably consider making my list top 15 but that depends wether or not I see any more guys... My Complete list is--
1.Chris Trousdale
2.Ryan Sheckler
3.Orlando Bloom
4.Cristiano Ronaldo
5.Hayden Christensen
6.Robert Pattison
7.Channing Tantum
8.Nick Jonas
9.Steven Strait
10.Matt Dallas
Today is Friday! We[as in my family] went out to a chinese buffet that really wasn't all that good. And then we went to the mall! I love the mall. I love any place that has alot people in it, maybe thats why I love N.Y.C. so much...Well anyways have a great weekend. Till next time...
With love,
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Singles Awareness Day and other things that happen on the 14th...
Ahhh Valentines Day, a day of love and passion. That is if you have a boyfriend and last time I checked I was single. Wait let me check again. Yep still I'm pathetic...At least I still have my friends=] I got a pretty red carnation from my friend Danielle and in return I got her a pretty pink one. We were going to make t-shirts that said "Happy Singles Awarness Day" on them but we couldn't get ahold of any tshirts sadly...Ah well there is always next year and next year there will be a Valenties dance that I do not plan on going alone to. Today at school was pretty confusing cause of the past two snow days and all but by Tuesday all should be well[[did I mention we have Friday and Monday off too?!;-)]] Also last night hot guy number nine made his way onto my list. Drum roll please....Hayden Christensen everybody!!!Woo! He is just too cute in Star Wars and he is in that new movie Jumpers.((or a title somewhere along those lines...))Lets just see who can secure their place in my number ten. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Miracles and other things that are a gift from god...
My faith in God has been strenghthened all the more after I've read this blog. Its about a women named Tricia who has Cystic Fibrosis. She was on a list for a double lung transplant when she found out she was pregnant. Instead of having an abortion like the doctors recommended Tricia and her husband, Nathan, decided to keep their baby knowing fully well that the birth could kill Tricia and her unborn baby. Gwyneth Rose was born 15 weeks early during a c-section. Follow Gwyneth's growth and Tricia's recovery and you'll truley believe Gwyneth's birth was a gift from God. God Bless your family. Here's the link to Nathan's page-
Till next time...
With love,
Till next time...
With love,
Deployments and other things that suck...
337 days and counting. 337 days till my daddy can come home for good. 337 days seems like such a long time and truthfully it is. I'm not sure if I can take much more of this. I know my mom cant. She seems like a zombie sometimes just waiting for daddy to come home. I hate the whole "Opertation Iraqi Freedom"campain. This whole situation is stupid and pointless. We have no right to be in Iraq. Instead of minding our own buisness we created a mess that we now need to clean up. And its pointless to try to form a government over there. There is going to be a civil war wether we like it or not. UGH! I can't take it anymore=[ I just want my daddy home so we can be a normal family again.[[well as normal as our family can be(^.^)]] Another snow day today. It snowed over night and the rain we had yesterday froze so you can imagine the roads were pretty bad...I hate icy snow.yuck. Enough of my complaining. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Snow days and other things that rock...
Woo! Today we had a snow day! Actually I really didn't want the snow day cause my little sister's school was supposed to have a skating party and I really wanted to go...My mom has made a point, Its pretty sad when I look foward to an elementry school trip...I really need to get myself a socail life, but its not that I don't have any friends. It's just that my friends don't do crap either...Enough rambling about that. Well anyways, today was a very lazy day for me. I pretty much watched cheesy daytime televison and layed on the recliner. I did go outside to play with our dog Harry though=] He absoluty loves the snow. It is sooo funny when he sticks his head into the snow and then comes back up with a white mask on. He can make anybody smile:-) Nothing really new has happened to me recently. Just counting down the days till "Singles Awarness Day" that should be fun;-) Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hot guys and other things that make me drool...
I have found a new love<3 This guy is just enough to make a girl actually watch soccor[[sp?]] Go Portugal!Three words, Heaven Help Me!*Fans face*
Cristiano has made his way to my Top 8 hot guys list and let me tell you he is defentily top 3=]
The other guys on my list just incase you are wondering are:[[The list is in no particular order]]
1. Steven Strait
2. Orlando Bloom
3. Matt Dallas
4. Robert Pattison
5. Nick Jonas
6. Ryan Sheckler
7. Chris Trousdale
Google them and I guarentee you won't be dissapointed! Till next time...
With love,
Friday, February 8, 2008
A shout out and other cool things...
This is a shout out to my awesome friend Sarah=] Who today and tomorrow is going to be in the fabulous play Oliver Twist. I had the part Fagin before I had to move=[ and Sarah had Old Sally. Go Old Sally!Woo! I send you a hundred roses via imaginary mail. Love Ya Like a Sister and break a leg! Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Spelling and other things I am hoplessy terrible at...
Another spelling test today!Phew, I'm glad I survived. But on the bright side of the test I scored and 100% on the vocabulary part. The spelling part...not terribly good, I got a 70% on that.[[bites nails]] All went well today in school. It was boring on the most was "All Green Day" so the kids who hadn't gotton in trouble at all went ice-skating. Let me just say Me+Ice=Alot of uneccisary pain on my part. So I didn't go. Instead I spent 3rd period, Oatcp((?some kind of test prep, dont ask)) and 4th period watching a movie about airplanes through the ages. I couldn't hear much of the movie through my snoring.zzzzz[jk] Ohhh, yesterday we went shopping! That is fun with a capital F but also very dangerous for me. It was a good thing I didn't have any money cause the sales racks were calling my name ;-) I did get 2 new pairs of shoes though. No girl can have too many shoes let me tell you that! but for the most part nothing has changed. Keep me in your Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The president and other things that need to go back to Texas...
Let me tell you one thing...I CANNOT WAIT until that idiot Bush gets kicked out of office. Well not kicked out just have his term expire. He has made this country a complete and total mess. We have no right in Iraq and hes also made a mess there. I hope your happy with yourself Mr. President. I can't wait until presidental elections come up and the oalf that we put in charge of our country no longer has a say in anything. I would personally like Obhama[[did I spell his name right?]] as our next president. I'm a girl and all but I do not like Hiliary Clinton. She is way too fake. She tries to play "I'm a woman so treat me nice" card and the "I'm an equal and deserve to be in office" card at the same time. Well reality check Hiliary, your not fooling anybody but the people who worshipped your husband. I am hoping and praying that Obama[[again, spell check]] gets the democratic vote.**crosses fingers** On a lighter note, my history test is finally done=] I have a feeling I got a good grade on it(I better have it was a 600 point test..) and I should be getting my Martin Luther King, Jr. report back soon=]. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Army and other things that irratate me...
I do NOT like the Army!grrr...They need to get themselves put back together and get their butts out of Iraq if you ask me. Everything is a mess over seas and here! Its just that nobody really knows or cares! That brings me onto a whole new topic. The children of this generation have absouluty no idea what is going on. It's just like the war in Iraq is some old fad. For an art project we had to make a Keith Herring style card about a socail concern today. Being the good military brat I am I did my card on the war debt. Well, another table had to critque our work. Some people were all like "Your card is really good,yada yada yada" the whole nine yards. But the thing that got on my nerves the most were the comments like "Thats a weird concern," or my personal favorite "I don't really think that is a concern" !?#@*& I'm like what is WRONG with you people?! Does the fact that in order to pay off only our war debt every single american alive at this moment owes more than thirty thousand dollars not a concern to you!?! In order to stay the super power we are today we need to get out of Iraq, bring the big business back to America, and concentrate on paying off our debt before we go into another great depression. UGH. It's like everybody is living in a big bubble and nothing bad can touch them. It's pathetic, truley pathetic...Enough ranting on my side. Till next time...
With love,
With love,
Monday, February 4, 2008
Life and other things that are complicated...
Have you ever had that feeling that you work your butt off to get to the top of the hill and right when your about to make it to the top, you fall backwards causing you to start all over again? Well, it almost seems that way with me. In New Jersey I was very slowly climbing up the social ladder thanks to my best friend Chandler's help and I was becoming more confindent. Well I move, and I fall backwards. I'm right back to the shy, quiet girl I was when I moved to New Jersey in the first place. I lose all my friends and I have to make new ones which is hard for me at times. Sometimes I just can't wait to get to college where I can make a completey new start that isn't influenced by some preppy little blonde who determines what is hot and what is not. Well sadly I have about 4 more years of a wait until I get to that point. Another thing about college that will be refreshing is a decent maturatity level. Girls around these parts get all excited about a coloring book that has a picture of a monkey in it. It's pathetic. Not even girls on the East Coast were this bad...Sometimes I feel like I'm thirty five while the rest of the teenagers in my school are stuck at the age of three. Enough ranting on my part...Till next time!
With Love,
With Love,
Friday, February 1, 2008
School and other things that are useless...
Today was a fun filled day, Here is a account of my day-
- 2 hour delay due to icy rain
- History test, it was very easy but I was still semi-nervous. I'm not looking foward to the second part of the test
- My friend Jeffery's birthday was today, well maybe not today. He was born on a leap year, Feb. 29. So if this year wasn't a leap year it would've been his birthday. You know techinally he's only 3 years
- Spelling test. I CAN NOT SPELL FOR MY LIFE!! But I think I did a decent job. I know I missed, sanctuary cause I was nervous and confused. Ah well. I also think I got haughty and arrogant mixed up on the defention section...
- I'm actually starting to catch up in my spanish class. We are learning to conjengate -er and -ir verbs. Very intresting I know...
- I got home and my Boys Like Girls cd finally came in the mail. Woo! Time to add the songs to my iPod=]
Well that's all that really happened, Hope your still awake. Till next time.
With love,
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Love and other indoor sports...

Ah, love such a sincere idea. So pure and innocent<3 size="4">nuts. Like for instance, today, I was messing with Hannah and then she sends Matt after me. Well, I threaten to tell Matt a little secret that she had birbed me not to tell[[I'm not saying I'm a saint, C'mon am I suspposed to pass up sour mango Altoids so Hannah can have the crap beaten out of her? Nope, I didn't think so, anyways back to the story.]] Hannah shuts up and orders Matt off me. Matt doesn't drop the story. He convinces*cough*threatens* Hannah to tell the truth((the truth being she was on Matt's YouTube account, commenting about how cute Mitchel Musso was...)) Matt flips out and goes on his typical rampage. I can totally see why he was mad. Then Hannah goes all Boo Hoo I'm the innocent younger sister on us and starts crying on the phone with my daddy[[poor daddy he can't even escape us while we're in Ohio and he's in NJ...]]My mom takes Hannah's side and Matt even gets madder. I'm trying to be Switzerland in this conflict but my mom is tending to take Hannah's side more since my dad left[[I think it has something to do how hard it is for Hannah to accept that dad is gone, I've been there, done that, and don't plan on going back...]] But all the same I can feel the stress my mom has to deal with. Matt and Hannah fight like cats and dogs I swear. I occasionlly have my moody moments but I'm a teenager what more do you want from me? Ah well, that's family for ya. Still gotta love them. Till next time...
With love,
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
What to say, what to say, what to say... Well for one nothing has really changed much for me, I'm quite a very boring person actually... The only reason I have this blog is for -- 1)My mom has one and she can't have one while I don't=] and 2) I want to share my boredom with other
With school, my dad, being gone, and a low supply of chocolate my life can get very stressful. I mean who wants to do algebra homework, really?! When am I going to have to solve the equation y=6x+7b? I'm going to be a psychiatrist for gods sake! I don't think they have to do many equations. As my history teacher, Mr. Stevens, once said "Who needs Algebra I or Algebra II or even Geometry? All you'll really need to learn in life is how to balance your checkbook..." Such wise words on his part. Now if only the rest of the world would pick up on that idea.
Well I've rambled enough for the time being. See you later the next time I want to complain about life.
With love,
With school, my dad, being gone, and a low supply of chocolate my life can get very stressful. I mean who wants to do algebra homework, really?! When am I going to have to solve the equation y=6x+7b? I'm going to be a psychiatrist for gods sake! I don't think they have to do many equations. As my history teacher, Mr. Stevens, once said "Who needs Algebra I or Algebra II or even Geometry? All you'll really need to learn in life is how to balance your checkbook..." Such wise words on his part. Now if only the rest of the world would pick up on that idea.
Well I've rambled enough for the time being. See you later the next time I want to complain about life.
With love,
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Random thoughts of yours truley....
Hi, I'm Meghann! Now that you know that you probably want to know a bit more about me...
Well for one my dad is in the Army and is currently being deployed over to Iraq. He's only been gone for a little less than a month and I already miss him ALOT. And right now he is only going through training, I can't imagine what life is going to be like once he's gone over to Iraq...
Along with being a military brat comes moving alot. So I don't tend to stay in one place for long... Sometimes it's hard for me to move, but in the course of time I get better at making friends. In fact I just moved and am currently re-adjusting myself to living in Ohio. Good-bye New Jersey Snobs!!=]
I am what you would call a book worm[[apparently]] I love all kinds of books. Some of my favorites are Twilight[[I'm getting my mom to read this]], New Moon, Eclipse, A Company of Swans, The Harry Potter series, Pride and Prejudice, books by V.C. Andrews, Stephen King, and other various authors and books.
I don't watch much t.v. The shows I do watch are Lost((new season starting Thursday!Woo!)), House[[love that guy]], American Idol[[this one of my more recent obsessions]], and I watch some MTV.
When it comes to music I am a lot like my daddy. I love all kinds of music, though I tend to favor alternative a bit more. Some of my favorite bands are: Breaking Benjaman, Avril Lavigne, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, some Good Charoltte, Daughtry, Kelly Clarkson, Nickle Back, Taylor Swift, Sean Kingston, and SO many more...I just don't feel like typing out the rest of them.
Well that's all I can think of at the moment. Adios amigos(as)!
With Love,
Well for one my dad is in the Army and is currently being deployed over to Iraq. He's only been gone for a little less than a month and I already miss him ALOT. And right now he is only going through training, I can't imagine what life is going to be like once he's gone over to Iraq...
Along with being a military brat comes moving alot. So I don't tend to stay in one place for long... Sometimes it's hard for me to move, but in the course of time I get better at making friends. In fact I just moved and am currently re-adjusting myself to living in Ohio. Good-bye New Jersey Snobs!!=]
I am what you would call a book worm[[apparently]] I love all kinds of books. Some of my favorites are Twilight[[I'm getting my mom to read this]], New Moon, Eclipse, A Company of Swans, The Harry Potter series, Pride and Prejudice, books by V.C. Andrews, Stephen King, and other various authors and books.
I don't watch much t.v. The shows I do watch are Lost((new season starting Thursday!Woo!)), House[[love that guy]], American Idol[[this one of my more recent obsessions]], and I watch some MTV.
When it comes to music I am a lot like my daddy. I love all kinds of music, though I tend to favor alternative a bit more. Some of my favorite bands are: Breaking Benjaman, Avril Lavigne, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, some Good Charoltte, Daughtry, Kelly Clarkson, Nickle Back, Taylor Swift, Sean Kingston, and SO many more...I just don't feel like typing out the rest of them.
Well that's all I can think of at the moment. Adios amigos(as)!
With Love,
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